Your Facial Meridians: Traditional Chinese Medicine

In TCM, certain areas of your face connect with the organs listed below. So always pay attention to the specific organ(s) if you are experiencing facial symptoms in a corresponding area. For example, in many of my new clients who had Covid and who took drugs for Covid, I am seeing a lot of lower cheek dermatitis, rosacea, acne, and rashes because the lower cheeks correspond to the lungs and to the liver. Often our skin symptoms are related to detox. The skin is the largest detox organ in the body. 

Be patient.  Follow your Nutritional Balancing program.  Gentle near infrared light for 3-7 minutes (at a distance of 12-18 inches),  coffee enemas, reflexology, skin brushing (not on the face), castor oil packs, hydration, and letting the facial skin breathe as much as possible are all helpful supports. Skin reactions will happen with heavy metal release, too, especially toxic mercury, nickel and copper.  Gluten exposure is another cause for skin symptoms. (My NB clients who have psoriasis and who completely quit gluten reduce or eliminate their psoriasis altogether within a year.) Sometimes imbalanced gut bacteria & disregulated blood sugar can contribute to skin disruption.  Remember, when it comes to your skin symptoms, it is always an inside origin, something going on inside the body.

Detox and true healing are slow.  

Since the skin is the largest detox organ in the body, a lot of toxic metals, mycotoxins, bacteria, virus, mold, and even parasite die -off residue will show up on the skin as the body eliminates them.  Don’t try to stop it. Avoid topical steroid creams as much as possible, as they will push your symptoms back under the skin and halt the healing response.  Steroid creams never heal, they suppress and give temporary symptom relief only to have the symptoms come back harder and stronger when you stop suppressing the skin.  Instead,  support your detoxification pathways! 

Your face:

  • Forehead:                 bladder and intestines
  • Temples and ears:   kidneys
  • Between eyebrows: liver and stomach
  • Nose:                        heart
  • Under-eye area:      kidneys
  • Upper cheeks:         stomach
  • Lower cheeks:         lungs and liver
  • Nasolabial folds:     large intestine
  • Upper lip:                 hormones, heart, and spleen
  • Chin:                         bladder, hormones, kidney, and stomach
  • Jawline:                    stomach

Alway consult your physician if you feel you are having symptoms that are life-threatening. If you must wear makeup, be sure it it gluten-free and 100S% organic. 

No matter how it looks, love the skin you are in. Know that eventually most of your skin symptoms will fade if you follow your healing NB program and lifestyle modalities.

If you’d like to learn more about Nutritional Balancing, please contact me:

WEIGHT: Loss & Gain During Covid

Many of you tell me about weight gain and weight loss during these last 2 years of Covid…data show us that about 50% of Americans gained and close to 35% lost weight during quarantine. Here are a few general comments.  For specific programs and testing, always work with a qualified health care practitioner. 

During quarantine, I lost a lot of weight…closing my on- street business in Brentwood, CA cut down on my external stimuli and social interaction extremely!  And I did not travel. Once working from home, and eating alone, I found my body was not interested in dinner anymore.  This was not necessarily a bad thing, research show us our bodies may not need food after sundown (read the NYT best seller “What to Eat When” by Michael F. Roizen, MD and Michael Curtain, MD) but as my weight dropped, I bought a food journal and consciously increased my calories.  I was also going through some intense detox of heavy metals, especially toxic copper, and this made me feel like I had no appetite for many months as toxic copper affects the appetite part of the brain (all anorexics have high toxic copper and I can’t wait for eating disorders clinics to start testing for toxic copper!) So in order to gain weight, I had to approach my body from a more schooled perspective.   

Whether you want to lose or gain weight it takes a bit of effort.

Here are a few tips:

1.Protein: Under 60 years of age? Then you need to eat .66 grams of protein per kilogram (kg) of body weight. If you are over 60 years of age or weigh more than 175 pounds (79.5 kg) you need 1-1.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight. Of course these ratios may change, for example, if you are in the throws of symptoms from a disease or you are a performance athlete.

For most people, this works out to 5-6 ounces of animal protein daily for under 60 years of age and 9-10 ounces daily for over sixty or if you weigh over 175 pounds. (Protein can include organic nuts. Do not exceed 4 ounces of nuts in a day, and consider using nut butters for easier digestion.) For vegans and vegetarians, this is about 40-50 grams of protein from pressure- cooked beans, legumes, or organic protein powders (be sure your organic protein powders are also sourced to be free from heavy metals and mold). For vegetarians, this protein can include eggs, too. Always choose grass finished, pastured, and certified organic proteins when eating at home. Choose organic when eating out, too, if possible. Mainstream studies in a recent JAMA (Journal of the America Medical Association) show that eating certified organic food makes a huge difference in people’s longevity. And that, for the first time in history, mortality increases if increasing non-organic fruits and vegetables on a Mediterranean diet. The quality of our food has declined a lot in the last 10 years. And in the last 77 years, since 1955, the amounts of pesticide, fungicide, insecticide, phthalate, micro plastic, GMOs, poisonous fertilizers, toxic metals, EMFs, molds, and other toxins has dramatically increased far beyond what our bodies can handle. The last 77 years have burdened the human body more than it’s ever been burdened in the millions of years before! So yes, “certified organic” and “mold -and-toxic- metal -free” matters whenever you can make that choice. (Watch Mark Ruffalo’s movie “Dark Waters” if you’d like a good story that portrays this increase in poisonous toxins since the 1950s.)

2.Hydrate: Up to an ounce of water per pound of body weight.  

Your body cannot survive without at least 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight.  So if you weigh 120 pounds, you will drink at least 7 1/2 cups pure water.  Add in another 2+ cups if you exercise, detox or do sauna. Better yet, if you are an adult, simply drink 10+  glasses or more per day.  Detox, exercise, sauna, toxic burden, and other factors make hydrating more essential than ever. Don’t slug it all at once.  Keep a plastic-free bottle with you throughout the day to hydrate all day long. Hydrating also assists with weight loss.  Studies show that if you are dehydrated, your body holds on to fat to compensate.

3.What are the best ratios of nutrients?  We are all different, but  something like this may work:  

High quality carbs: 30-35% (Consume ample vegetables of many colors and eat good carbs like yams, sweet potatoes, & quinoa. Careful with fruit, a cup of berries daily is good. Limit fruit juice to 1/3 or 3 oz. per day maximum.)

Good fats: 45-50%

Protein: 15-20%

This may need to be modified for specific conditions.  For example, if you have high LPS ( lipopolysaccharide) levels or if you carry the APOE4 gene, we know that your fat intake needs to be much lower. Or is you have PCOS, you need to eat ketogenically, with higher fat, far fewer carbs and no grains. Work with me or another qualified nutritional practitioner to tweak your diet for your body.

4.Exercise. Do something you like at least 1/2 hour 5 days a week.  Walking counts.  So does dancing. I walk 4 miles at a  stretch 3x a week and twice weekly I do advanced Pilates and light weights for 70 minutes. I also stretch up to 20 minutes five days a week.  I don’t miss going to the gym,I quit during Covid. Maybe I will go back, but not right now.  Be careful with swimming, as continual exposure to chlorine is harmful. Also, swimming will not build bone density since it is not a weight bearing exercise. 

5.Sleep: 7-9 hours per night.  Even one night’s disruption can throw your body off. Make your bedroom dark at night.  Turn off all devices.

6.Avoid sugar, gluten, charred foods, artificial sweeteners, and avoid nightshades (tomato, eggplant, goji berries, etc.) if you have an autoimmune condition. Skip inflammatory food (all grains, legumes, and dairy have the potential to inflame you,so be cautious with them or skip them completely until you do the Vibrant Laboratories microchip blood tests with me to find out exactly to what foods you are reacting). Skip or limit “clean” alcohol to twice weekly. Always avoid eggs if you aren’t feeling great. After avoiding eggs for 3 months you can try adding back in yolks only and see how you feel for a month.  And then the egg whites, which are generally more problematic. (Eggs are the third most common reactive food in the world.) Eliminate flour completely from your diet, it is inflammatory and unnecessary. Always do the Vibrant Labs microchip food sensitivity and allergy blood testing with me, Vibrant tests for all four of your immunoglobulins (IgE, IgG, IgM and IgA). Then you will get a perfect and reliable map for your body for all foods and additives! Vibrant tests are almost 100% accurate, in contrast to our allergist’s office, where they can only use an old fashioned blood culture and/or pin prick skin test for one immunoglobulin (IgE) and the accuracy is 43-74% at the very best!

7.Do TRE.  All functional medicine practitioners encourage TRE of some sort.  This is based on science. The gentlest Time Restricted Eating (TRE) is eating your food in a 12 hour window and fasting for 12 hours. So if you eat breakfast at 7a.m. and finish dinner by 7p.m., this gives your body 12 hours to detox, take out the cellular trash, rest from digestion, turn its attention to self cleaning.  Twelve hours is the absolute minimum. Water, herbal tea, prescription meds, a tablespoon of MCT oil, or a couple of supplements during the fasting time are okay.  I practice TRE as 8/16, so my feeding window is 8 hours during the day and then I fast for 16 hours. For example, my breakfast is at 9a.m and then I’m finishing supper at 5p.m. This works well for me while working from home alone.  Dr. Dale Bredesen, the world’s foremost Alzheimer’s expert, as well as many other functional MDs I work with, insist on at least a 12 hour window. It may be better to work up to 14, 15, 16 hours fasting gradually.  It took me a few years to find 8/16 easy and to feel its benefits.

Our bodies were never designed to eat continually or to have 3 meals a day! Dr. David Sinclair, a teacher of mine from Harvard, and one of the leading longevity and genetics researchers in the world (read his NYTTimes best seller “Lifespan”), says no human over 30 years of age needs 3 meals a day!  Give your body a break from constant digestion, let it do its self repair. The two main processes of self repair in the body are called glymphacation (the brain cleanses itself) and autophagy (the body’s cells clean themselves).  Neither process can be carried out in the cells while the body is digesting food. For millions of years the body evolved to take care of itself during food scarcity, over- feeding is so hard on the body and contributes to inflammation and disease. “Over feeding” refers as much to eating too frequently as it does to eating too much. The body has not evolved to handle frequent eating. It needs beneficial longer breaks to clean itself cellularly. 

In addition, always try to give you body 3 hours between eating and bedtime. Start slow…Dr. Bredesen asks all his patients to do TRE and be food-free for 3 hours before bed starting with just 2 days a week and to increase this to 7 days a week over time. (If you work the night shift, adjust this to night time eating and do your fasting during the day.)

8.Calories: yes, calories matter, but as a frame, not as the main focus.  To gain weight , you could raise your intake to 3,500-5,000 calories using the above ratios (#3.). To lose weight start at 1400 calories. Add in more if you are losing too quickly or drop down to fewer calories IF you are not losing weight after 2 weeks. Choose carefully: we all know that an ounce of dark chocolate and a pound of broccoli both contain 160 calories but each has a dramatically different effect on the body.  Losing or gaining weight is work, a job, a day- by- day effort. Find a nutritional practitioner if it’s too much to handle alone and keep a food journal to guide you. There is plenty of information online to teach you how to count calories and portion your fats, carbs, and protein. For example, since carbohydrates and proteins each have a value of 4 calories per gram and fats have a value of 9 calories per gram, you could use a breakdown like this:

1,400 calories = 115.5 grams carbohydrate/  73.1 grams fat/ 55 grams protein

4,000 calories = 330    grams carbohydrate/208.8 grams fat/150 grams protein (what I used to gain 10 pounds)

Eat with a calculator, food scale, and food journal in your own kitchen if you are a numbers geek or need to get an idea of what these values look like as real food. Fortunately there are many apps that give you the nutritional values of foods.  I know the nutritional value of almost every food in the world, I’ve been doing this work for 37 years, but in case I need it, I use the free “Calorie King” app on my iPhone.

9. Just a quick note about fiber and fermentation:  if you are eating 7-9 cups of colored veggies, mushrooms, berries (a cup a day of berries is okay), alliums like onions, and including both above -the- ground veggies (AGV) and below -the- ground veggies (BGV), you will get enough fiber.  I eat about 50 grams of net fiber per day.  Our ancestors got at least 100 grams of fiber a day, but don’t try that, your body isn’t used to it!  And always include some fermented foods, from 1-6 servings a day, to feed your good gut bugs(microbiome): kimchi, sauerkraut, natto, homemade or freshly made unsweetened coconut or hemp yoghurt in glass jars, fermented black garlic, etc. Do not eat foods fermented in vinegar, they won’t have the probiotics and nutrients your gut needs.  For thousands of years every culture on the planet has had their specific forms of ferments.  As world cultures blend, we’ve been able to integrate many ferments into a long list to choose from. Note that if you have specific conditions like histamine reactions or candida, then you will not like fermented foods and need to address certain underlying conditions before eating them. 

9. Supplement.  One reason I still teach HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is to be able to supplement clients at an accurate foundational level. Forget about free offers on Instagram to hair test, I’m talking about the real deal, the science developed at the University of Chicago in the 1940s during atomic studies, which also included studies of the interstitial spaces of the hair shaft. This method of testing has been updated decade after decade. You can read about it on my website at  Each tab on that website (except for one) is devoted to HTMA. It took me years of study and apprenticeship to learn and certify in this field. I still like it and use it on myself.

Without hair testing, one hormone you can test with your conventional MD is Vitamin D-3. Be sure your level is between 50-80 ng/ml.  Unfortunately, insurance companies still use a level in the 20s that was used for World War II soldiers to test them for resistance to scurvy.  For robust immunity today, you must be at least 50ng/ml. (My Vit-D3 is currently at 80.  I take 5,000 mg every morning based on my quarterly testing.) A lifeguard sitting in the sun all summer may be as high as 120 ng/ml.  For immunity, get your Vit-D3 blood tested every 3 months. The Vibrant Labs blood test is one of the best, but this is a level that your insurance will cover, too, with your conventional MD. (In all the studies I’ve read, from Stanford to Harvard, not one Covid patient with a Vit D level of at least 50ng/ml died. Why don’t we have a Vit D-3 mandate in this country alongside of any other mandate?!!!)

9.Be gentle with yourself. Weight adjustment is not just calories in and calories out. Heavy metals detox, insulin resistance, thyroid, viruses, GMOs, poisonous fertilizers, emotional stress, low mineral levels in your cells, years of burn out, dehydration,  and a thousand other factors can interfere with your body’s ability to gain or lose weight.  Be your own Sherlock Holmes, work with me or another qualified professional, get accurate testing, move, rest, hydrate, choose organic when possible and stay in it for the long haul.  You can do this!

In good health,

Amahl (Van)

Functional Medicine Health Coach
Nutritional Therapist: NB & CGP

Instagram: vh_Health

This & That: Notes During Covid-19

This & That

1.Do you have NAP syndrome (Dr. Mark Hyman)= “not enough pain” syndrome?   Sometimes,  unless we are in a panic or under severe stress, we don’t make lasting changes in our behavior. Covid is a time to choose new adaptive behaviors, rather than choose new (or old) maladaptive behaviors. So I recommend British physician Dr. Rangan Chatterjee’s new book:  “Feel Better in Five”.  Five minutes to make significant changes! 

2.Studies I heard this week suggest that in quarantine-like situations, 45% of people gain weight and 35% of people lose weight. Covid quarantine is a great time to observe what we are eating…or not eating. Keep a loving posture towards yourself, keep a food journal if it helps, and focus on emotional gratification as something different than oral gratification. What makes you happy?  A movie? Walk? Dance for a few minutes (put on your favorite music for 5 minutes an have yourself a little boogie!),  FaceTime with a friend? Music? Fresh air?

3.Keep on with your nutrition:  

a.hydrate at LEAST an 1/2oz. of water per pound of body weight.  Weigh 160 lbs?  Then you will drink 80 oz of spring water minimum= 10 cups of water per day.  And adjust:  add in  more if exercising, detoxing, having a glass of wine, or dealing with a chronic or acute health condition. Avoid plastic bottles!

b.Eat the rainbow of veggies and limited fruits. Pick local and organic whenever possible.

c.Choose 2 root veggies every day. Your gut bacteria will thank you. 70-80% of immunity is in your gut. 

d.Choose healthy proteins and good fats.

e.Eat a form of fermentation every day:  pickled veggies, yoghurt (I avoid cow dairy so I choose coconut yoghurt), kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, whatever you like, so you can give a diversity of inoculation to your microbiome. Store bought kombucha is increasingly full of sugar and frequently not fermented long enough to grow robust bacteria, so make yours at home if you can. 

4.Seek out a heart connection.  Have a “heart snack” (Dr. Chatterjee). Find anyone in your day to spend 5 minutes with, put away social media and distraction , connect with someone you love. I work with many “carers”.  If you are caring for kids, parents, others,  find someone for five minutes that you are not taking care of.

5.One of the questions I am asked the most is “what are the good fats to eat”?

I like the list in Dale Bredesen’s new book:” The End of Alzheimer’s Program”.  On p. 117 he says: 

a. olive, avocado, walnut, macadamia, sesame, perilla, algae, MCT, coconut, red palm oils:   cold pressed and organic 

b.avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut, cacao butter, fatty cold water fish, egg yolk (pastured hens)

c.ghee, butter, lard (from pastured animals)

Do not eat a fat to which you believe you have a known sensitivity or reaction.

6.Do you also suffer from FLC syndrome (Dr. Mark Hyman)= “feel like crap” syndrome?  In addition to following the above recommendations, cut out sugar, alcohol, gluten, and dairy for 3 weeks and see if you don’t feel better!  Or contact me for the most accurate allergy and food sensitivity testing in the world (according to Mayo Clinic , Stanford, and many other doctors) to find out.  For example, I’ve found out I cannot touch gluten or cow dairy, ginger or turmeric, so I feel at ease with non-gluten starch like quinoa and goat ghee, goat cheese and other herbs and spices.

Each of us has to make our own “food playpen”, that circumference of foods that are safe and nurturing for our bodies.  Since every person in the USA is now dealing with more than 270 different toxins per day, our bodies tolerance for foods has decreased. Each of us needs to step carefully to reduce the inflammatory response that some foods will trigger.  Without testing, the biggest food groups to which humans react are gluten (wheat, barley, rye, and many additives), dairy, tree nuts, eggs, soy, peanuts, and shellfish/fish. 

Stay safe and well! Happy to report that not one of my nutrition clients world-wide has had Covid-19!  

Notes During Covid

Reminders during Covid:

1.Wear a mask the moment you step out of your door. Wash your mask at least 3x a week unless it is disposable.

2.Wash your hands.  Hand sanitizers do not work nearly as well.  Hand sanitizers destroy good bacteria along with the bad. Use warm soapy water, work up a lather so the soap bubbles can encapsulate the bad bacteria. According to recent studies at Emory University, cold water with a soapy lather will work, though not nearly as well as warm water, to encapsulate and kill bad bacteria. Continue reading

What Is Pu-erh Tea?

Pu-erh tea originates from the Yunnan province of China. It is named after the town in which it was first developed. Pu-erh tea (pronounced “poo-air”) is post-fermented, which means that the tea leaves go through a microbial fermentation process after they have been dried and rolled, causing the leaves to darken and change in flavor. This process allows the teas to not only improve with age like a fine wine, but many pu-erhs are able to retain their freshness for up to fifty years! Pu-erh teas can be found in compressed brick form or in loose leaf form and can be made from both green and black tea leaves. It is made from ancient trees with mature leaves that are said to be between 500 and 1000 years old. These trees are grown in temperate regions and although they can be harvested year-round, the opportune time to harvest is in mid-spring. Various conditions and environmental factors can impact the flavor profile of pu-erh, resulting in a rich experience for the tea drinker’s palate.

History of Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh tea can be traced back to the Yunnan Province during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220CE). Pu-erh was transported by mules and horses in long caravans along established routes that became known as the Tea Horse Roads. Traders would barter for tea in the markets of Pu-erh County and then hire the caravans to carry the tea back to their respective homes.
The increasing demand for a tea that could be easily transported and did not spoil on long journeys sent suppliers on a frenzy to come up with ways to preserve the tea. It was found that with fermentation of the leaves, the tea not only stayed fresh, but it actually improved with age. People soon discovered that pu-erh also helped with digestion and cancer, provided other nutrients to the diet, and because it was so affordable, it quickly became a popular household amenity. Pu-erh tea was highly prized and it became a powerful tool for bartering amongst traveling merchants.
Pu-erh Tea Today
Today, pu-erh continues to be regarded as a highly prized commodity. Even in modern society, a well preserved pu-erh still maintains its value and remains a household treat. In western society, the popularity of pu-erh tea is only just now being introduced to the mainstream population of tea drinkers. It is only a matter of time before the beauty and benefits of pu-erh tea become commonplace household knowledge. I learned about pu-erh tea through Dr. Steven Gundry in his latest book The Longevity Paradox and I found it to be a refreshing variant to kombucha tea. Your good gut bugs will love it, as it helps to strengthen the gut barrier!
Pu-erh Tea Types and Variants
There are two different ways a pu-erh tea can be classified: raw (sheng) and cooked/ripe (shou). This is due to the amount of processing that occurs after the tea leaves are picked and withered.
With raw processing, the leaves are withered then heaped into piles, much like a compost pile, allowing bacteria to ferment. This is the most important step of the process, called “Wo Dui” (moist track). This is the point where the character of the tea begins to develop. The leaves are then partially pan fired in order to halt enzyme activity, lightly rolled and kneaded, then left to dry in a “Dry Storage” environment with enough moisture to allow the tea to slowly oxidize over time. At this point, the tea is immediately compressed into cakes or left in loose leaf form.
The cooked processing method was developed in the early 1970’s by the Yunnan Kunming tea factory to speed up the process of production. With cooked processing, the tea leaves are picked and withered then mixed with a bacterial culture created to replicate the bacteria that would be created during natural fermentation. Then, the pu-erh is left to fully oxidize for up to 40 days in a hot and humid environment before firing, creating a dark, earthy infusion.
Pu-erh Tea Tips & Preparation
Fill your teapot or tea bowl with about 1 Tbsp tea leaves per 8oz water, and ‘awaken’ them by quickly rinsing with hot water. Immediately flush out the water and re-steep. The best Pu-erh teas can be steeped up to 10-12 times before beginning to lose their flavor. Pu-erh tea is best enjoyed when slurped. This allows for exposure to the air, which will activate the diverse flavors while providing greater contact with your taste buds. Post-fermentation by aging breaks down the caffeine levels in pu-erh, meaning that the caffeine content naturally diminishes the older it gets. This means that a very old pu-erh might have trace amounts of caffeine by the time it is consumed in comparison to a younger pu-erh. That being said, the actual caffeine content present in a cup of pu-erh tea varies upon how long the tea is steeped. The longer the steep time, the more caffeine the tea will contain. Caffeine content will lessen each time tea is re-steeped.
I buy organic Pu-erh tea at my local food coop. You can order some wonderful varieties of Pu-erh tea from the Art of Tea. Please note that I adapted the above information from the Art of Tea website, making modifications for this post. To read more about the benefits of pu-erh tea, Cup & Leaf has a great list of the top 8 benefits. Enjoy!

In good health,


I am a certified functional medicine health coach (FMHC), here to help you with wellness coaching, nutritional and lifestyle programs, Vibrant Labs microchip testing, detoxification protocols, hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), heavy metals, wheat & gluten disorders and with a variety of physical & autoimmune conditions.

Learn more and contact me through my website:

For the BEST near infrared sauna, please visit

Nothing in this post is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It does not constitute medical advice.

Copyright © 2019, All rights reserved.

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Stabilizing Gums: Good or Bad?

Nut milks contain different kinds of stabilizing gums to make them thicker and appear more “milk-like.” Many people with food sensitivities cannot tolerate these stabilizing gums, and create antibodies to them.

These antibodies move through the body and attack body tissue wherever it is weakest. This results in an autoimmune cascade that leads to disease. Often symptoms are silent for many years as the antibodies attack bodily tissue and disease develops.

Dr. Aristo Vojdani is a pioneering world expert on the topic of immune responses to food. Below is his list of the most common stabilizing gums, listed from the least reactive to the most reactive. This list is from You Can Fix Your Brain by Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Chapter 9: Biochemistry: Food as Medicine.
  1. Guar gum (sometimes called Gellan gum): Can help with blood sugar and feeling of fullness. Made from the guar bean. A little goes a long way. Can cause digestive issues in high quantities. Some hydrolyzed forms may assist in healing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  2. Gum tragacanth: Tragacanth gum is a plant substance that stimulates the movement of the intestines. It can cause breathing problems for people who are sensitive to quillaia bark. Be sure to drink water when consuming foods with tragacanth gum. Take at least one hour away from medications, as this thick gel can prevent absorption of medications.
  3. Beta-glucan: Extracted from oat, barley, bacteria, and yeast. Characterization of Beta-glucan shows its potential as a stabilizer, as well as a fat replacer, water-binding agent, oil holding agent, and whipping agent. Optimal doses of Beta-glucans have not yet been set. When taken orally can occasionally cause diarrhea or nausea.
  4. Xanthum gum: can be cultured on growth mediums of soy, dairy, wheat, or corn, so avoid if sensitive or allergic to these foods. The government does not require disclosure of food medium sources on food packages. For example, a product labeled “gluten-free” or “dairy-free” that contains xanthum gum may contain xanthum gum that is made from gluten or dairy!
  5. Locust bean gum: Comes from the carob seeds of the carob tree (a member of the pea family). Can help with cholesterol and blood sugar according to a number of studies. But it can prevent absorption of beneficial nutrients and have some allergic side effects, too.
  6. Mastic gum: This is a resin sourced from the trunk of an evergreen shrub found mainly on the Greek island of Chios. May have some antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and may also cause allergic reactions of chest pain, hives, or rash. All stabilizing gums are largely unregulated, so monitor your body’s response when using them. Avoid mastic gum.
  7. Carrageenan: particularly destructive to the digestive system, carrageenan triggers an immune response similar to your body’s response to pathogens like salmonella…creating inflammation, ulcerations, and bleeding. No one should touch the stuff!
Always avoid the last 2 gums listed on this list. And remember that in large quantities, all stabilizing gums can contribute to triggering leaky gut and digestive issues. Best solution? Make your own at home. No time? Then read labels and choose organic varieties carefully! Rice milk, flax milk, almond milk, hazelnut milk, cashew milk, coconut milk – whatever you choose – always buy organic.

Wishing you health & happiness,



I am a certified functional medicine health coach (FMHC), here to help you with wellness coaching, nutritional and lifestyle programs, Vibrant Labs microchip testing, detoxification protocols, hair testing mineral analysis (HTMA), heavy metals, wheat & gluten disorders and with a variety of physical & autoimmune conditions.

Learn more and contact me through my website:

For the BEST near infrared sauna, please visit

Nothing in this post is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It does not constitute medical advice.

Copyright © 2019, All rights reserved.

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Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that support your healthy gut. They can be found in your gut and in a variety of foods, as well as in some fermented supplements.

Probiotics maintain the integrity of the gut lining, boost immune function, promote healthy inflammatory responses, improve digestion, help heal inflammatory bowel conditions, manage and prevent skin conditions, fight food-borne illnesses, and improve psychological function.

What are some of the best probiotic-rich foods?

  • Fermented foods: Yoghurt (dairy and non-dairy), Lassi (Indian yoghurt drink), kefir (dairy and non-dairy).
  • Fermented soy: Natto, miso, and tempeh (avoid if soy-allergic or soy-sensitive or soy-intolerant).
  • Veggies: Sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, and kimchi.
  • Tea:  Kombucha.

Prebiotics are carbohydrate-based sources of fiber that are food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Prebiotic fibers help your probiotics to grow and thrive. They are helpful in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”). They also help to regulate bowel function, and form a foundation in your gut so that your probiotics can grow and stabilize.

What are some of the best prebiotic foods?

  • Vegatables: Onions, chicory, garlic, leeks, leafy greens, asparagus, artichokes, and tomatoes (skip the tomatoes if omitting nightshades).
  • Fruits: Berries, bananas, kiwis, cherries, apples, pears, mangos.
  • Grain: Oats (omit if on a gluten-free diet) and quinoa (pressure cooked).
  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, white beans, black beans (pressure cooked).
  • Seeds & Gums: Flaxseed, acacia gum.

In addition to heathy probiotic and prebiotic foods, eating foods that are rich in polyphenols can help to further balance your gut bacteria.

Some of the best polyphenol-rich foods are: Green tea, yellow onion, dark red wine, dark chocolate (must be 72% or higher), cocoa powder, cloves, peppermint, celery seed, black elderberry, cherry, green olive, European chestnut, flaxseed, basil, Mexican oregano, blueberry, plum, pecan, and hazelnut.

Note: If you have an allergy, sensitivity, or an intolerance to any food, avoid it. If you have been advised by a health care practitioner to abstain from any food listed, avoid it. Not sure if a food is okay for you? Contact me to find out more about Vibrant laboratories microchip testing. Mayo Clinic says Vibrant is ushering in a “new era” of laboratory testing. These tests are 97-99% accurate, unlike any other tests in history. Contact me to do the Vibrant Zoomer testing and find out what your triggers are!

Wishing you health & happiness,



I am a certified functional medicine health coach (FMHC), here to help you with wellness coaching, nutritional and lifestyle programs, detoxification protocols, hair testing mineral analysis (HTMA), heavy metals, wheat & gluten disorders and with a variety of physical & autoimmune conditions.

Learn more and contact me through my website:

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Nothing in this post is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It does not constitute medical advice.

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What is Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut)?

Hundreds of books are being written about intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” I want to share with you the great explanation my mentor Dr. Tom O’Bryan wrote in The Autoimmune Fix.
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Summer Reads

Recommended Books To Help You On Your Healing Journey

In addition to staying up to date on research for my Nutritional Balancing program, I spend another 40 hours a month reading additional research. Here are some books I have read (and re-read!) for you to read as you progress on your healing journey:

Genius Foods – by Max Lugavere with Paul Grewal MD

The End of Alzheimer’s – by Dale E. Bredesen MD

The Loving Diet – by Jessica Flanigan CN

The Wahls Protocol – by Terry Wahls MD

Perfect Health Diet – by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet, PhDs

Grain Brain – by David Perlmutter, MD

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – by Izabella Wentz, PharmD

Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? – by Mark Hyman, MD

The Autoimmune Fix – by Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

Sauna Therapy For Detoxification & Healing – by Lawrence Wilson, MD

The last 17 years have been unparalleled in human history with an explosion of quality medical research! Unfortunately, it takes an average of 17 years for this research to trickle down to a conventional medicine doctor’s office. Fortunately for us, this new information is coming out right now through books and lectures.

May you read well & be well!

Copyright 2018

Patented New Tests For Gluten, Food Reactions & Allergies

Great news! You can now get Vibrant America’s patented Wheat Zoomer, Food Sensitivity and Food Allergy tests through me here at vhHealth.

Vibrant’s testing uses microchip technology for synthesizing entire proteins as peptides, with very specific antibody-to-antigen recognition and results. The outcome is superior accuracy when compared to all other testing platforms. This technology is patented and unique only to Vibrant. Results from these tests will answer many of your questions once and for all and help improve your health. Continue reading